The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly - 8/17/18
The ongoing saga…
The Good – Presidents in the USA must be re-elected every four years for a maximum of two terms. We’re at the half-way point on the first term. I’m taking the long view: we will survive…
The Bad – First it was “covfefe” – which was confusing, at best. Now, it is “dog” – which is disgusting, at best. It’s lower than low and nothing more need be said.
The Ugly – Watching the news and seeing our government slowly devolve into an irrelevant presence among the nations of the world. It’s time for some of our Republican colleagues to step out of the shadows first, by saying something then, debating whether to do something…
The Sad – The passing of The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, was a sad day for all of us. She captured our soul and we all offer blessings for her soul. She will be missed!!