Recent Notable Quotes - 8/14/23
“You've got several people with their hands on the wheel here—maybe two or three with their feet on the gas pedals, others on the brakes. It's almost like a three-legged race with either state or federal governments or payers generally each putting a leg in the sack."
John Barkett, managing director, Berkeley Research Group – in describing the new initiative by the US Centers for Medicaid and Medicare (CMS) related to implementation of value-based care.
“…I am not blind to the fact that there are people out there who, though they don’t know me personally, have made judgments about my political beliefs and the fairness with which I have done my job. I often say, because I believe it, that I am not left wing, right wing, or chicken wing. I’m just another American who loves this country and is trying as best I can to do my job. I acknowledge I am flawed, as all humans are. And I have made my mistakes.”
Dan Rather, Former CBS Evening News Correspondent and (now) Retired Thought Leader and Commentator on the News of the Day – in a commentary on the recent indictment of Former President Donald J. Trump.