The Weekly Whisk - 3/16/20
Musings from a foodie…
What about comfort food? Now this thought goes against all of the ranting I’ve been doing about eating more fruits and vegetables. But, in a time of crisis, it’s important to hunker down and consider the importance of comfort food [* * * * *] in survival. Back in my North Dakota days when the blizzards would hit in the middle of winter, I would make a big batch of “easy to make” comfort food. Now, there are any number of choices you can turn to in a crisis. There’s Mac and CHEESE (with lots of “added” cheese, of course) augmented with canned tuna fish in water (not oil, after all you need to be healthy :-) ). That was actually a staple diet of mine in the formative years of medical school when the focus was on studying rather than cooking. A full-fledged meal could be conjured up and consumed in no less than 30 minutes. There’s also the chili option. But, if you’re thinking ahead, the best option is slow-cooked pot roast! There are lots of recipes out there so I won’t point you to one but will simply recommend that the comfort food of comfort foods is the slow cooked pot roast. It will get you through any kind of crisis or staying-in conundrum (e.g. blizzards, Covid-19, societal withdrawal, etc.). Let me know your thoughts…