Readings To Consider vs. The Occasional Perspective - 10/16/20

Books and Articles worth a Review… 

A First! – The October 7, 2020 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine provided an editorial that was a first in the 208-year history of the publication going back to its origin in 1812. “Dying in a Leadership Vacuum” 34 editors weighed in on the decision in support of the decision with Eric Rubin, MD as Editor-in-Chief explaining that the events of the Covid-19 pandemic cut across all levels of leadership from the President, to Governors and other in leadership roles throughout the nation.

Enhanced Listening So We Can Learn and Act – I have recently taken on an old interest that I put on the shelf a number of decades ago (actually a whole bunch of them) and re-energized the interest. It is writing – not just blogs but on more general issues. I have been doing all these readings about how to get in touch with your other self (hmmmm) as part of an embrace for the age I’m now entering. So, check out my new article published on – //">The New Requirement: First Hear and Listen with Intent to Learn and Act. The article basically is a call for moving from the passive act of hearing auditory signals, to listening where we actually absorb what is being said to learning from the exchange with others to acting responsibly on behalf of the needs of society. It emanated from the lack of dialogue, debate and discussion that has taken an overriding grip on the American spirit. Any feedback is appreciated…

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