Consulo Indicium - 1/27/25

Information for your Consideration…

The Sweet Solution – There are many things we learn when we travel. In addition to learning about the people, the environment, the ambiance of places around the world, I also listen for interesting “healthcare tidbits.” Such was the case during my trip to New Zealand. I learned something that dermatologists already knew (as I found out from my dermatology wife) – Manuka honey in addition to being a fabulous sweetener is also an antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory accelerator with strong wound healing properties. It’s also used for treatment of coughs, ulcers, and oral health problems. The claim is based on the presence of Methylglyoxal (MGO), a major antibacterial agent contained in the honey. The level of MGO in the honey is used to create the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) – and, the higher the UMF number, the better the health-supporting capabilities AND, the price goes up considerably as that number increases. So, how does this work? Evidently Manuka honey stimulates the inflammatory cells to release which assist in the early stages of healing. So, the next time your kids skin their knees playing on the driveway or you cut or cut your skin while working on the yard, consider a dab of Manuka honey. It’s the sweet solution. Now, as for the COVID challenge, I’m working on it but it never hurts to consider a home remedy like Manuka-infused cocktail if you start to get symptoms of upper respiratory problems.

Furthermore, I was informed that an infectious disease specialist from Australia did research on 20-some materials for the treatment of COVID at the start of the pandemic and Manuka honey came out as the #1 material for diminishing and preventing COVID infections. The initial COVID research study commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Public Health England (PHE) summarized their findings by stating:

“It is already proved that honey plays a potential role against several enveloped viruses. Honey may be beneficial for patients with COVID-19 which is caused by an enveloped virus SARS-CoV-2 by boosting the host immune system, improving comorbid conditions, and antiviral activities. Therefore, we can say that honey may have a protective/beneficial effect on COVID-19.” “…as a first-line treatment for cough due to upper respiratory tract infection, which is the main well-identified COVID-19 symptom. Honey might safely disinfect the throat and trap virus particles, beside a major advantage that it has no side effects and [is] of great nutritional value.”

So, it seems that there is support for the claim for moderating the course of COVID illness although it does not seem to be a “cure”. More likely, it serves as an adjunctive treatment modality. Long story short: A little honey in the morning will likely sweeten up the day as well as offer a bit of anti-viral protection ta boot!!

Medical Debt Removed From Credit Reports – To the relief of increasing numbers of Americans, medical debt will no longer be included in the evaluation of an individual’s credit score under new regulations adopted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The bureau issued the new rules that will essentially remove about $49 billion in medical bills from consumer credit reports. It is estimated that around 15 million Americans will benefit from the change in policy. It represents a significant change in the credit ratings for individuals – especially with the increase in the amount of medical debts citizens are taking on due to lack of insurance coverage, reallocation of medical costs to consumers by insurance companies and other similar actions. Through the policy change, debt collectors will not even be aware of medical debt by consumers. The ruling will have an impact on the credit evaluations done related to long-term purchases such as home lending and other major purchases by consumers.

The Evolving GLP-1 Revolution – If GLP-1’s had been available 35 years ago, I would have been a prime candidate for taking this new, revolutionary drug. I weighed in at the time at a mere 395# - more of a linebacker than a leader at the time. I ended up with a Duodenal Switch procedure to promote sustained weight loss. And, it worked BUT there have been unexpected long-term implications which would cause the length of this blog to become too long. So, I will forego the assessment. But, the procedure worked!! I have weighed about 170# now for near 25 years. But, there’s a new wonder drug option that is taking over as the prime treatment for obesity – a major problem throughout the world!! It’s kind of amazing but 1 in 8 people worldwide live with the curse (= my opinion) of obesity, costs the global economy $2 trillion in productivity reductions and premature mortality. And, over the next decade those costs will nearly double for $4 trillion!

The new GLP-1s could be one of the major factors in creating economic development for many countries throughout the world – but, especially in the USA where obesity has become a major problem. Drugs like Lilly’s Tirsepatide (= Zepbound) can precipitate weight loss of up to 22% of body weight which is sustained following the weight loss without rebound. That’s impressive. In addition, the drug reduces the risk of diabetes by over 90%. Furthermore, the research is showing that people on the GLP-1’s experience sustained weight loss. In other words, there is no bounce back to the formerly obese state. I must admit that when the drugs first came out I was a bit skeptical but, the ongoing research is clearly showing a very positive course of treatment for those who choose to take action on losing excessive weight.

The final positive note to be highlighted are the findings of the initial pre-clinical trials that show a potential impact on neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically, in Parkinson’s disease patients, the medications have results in restoration of acceptable dopamine levels. And, for Alzheimer’s disease patients, there was less shrinkage in the brain. While the outcome of GLP-1 medications is yet to be firmly entrenched into the armamentarium, it seems that the medication is moving down the track of “antibiotics” whereby we are at the formative stages of development in the GLP-1 field. Stay tuned…

A Tidbit On Trivia Memory – I recently learned about Deepu V. who recently accomplished a Guinness Book of World Records feat by recalling and repeating aloud 14,000 digits in Euler’s number. It’s a “constant” number (= 2.71828…) that is found in many contexts and used as a base for natural logarithms including exponential growth, radioactive decay, and the growth of wealth calculations through compound interest calculations. It’s similar to “pi” which is a never-ending number as well. So, what is so special about Mr. Deepu V’s accomplishment? What’s remarkable is that he recited from memory the first 14,000 digits in Euler’s number. He accomplished the feat by organizing the number into detailed organizing of digits into rows and columns for precise recall. The prior record was 10,122 digits. Now…what is the phone number of my brother? And, where did I lay my pen last night so I would not forget it this morning?

Inauguration Trivia – For those watching the Presidential Inauguration, you may have noticed the number of CEOs sitting in the dais behind President Trump (e.g. Elon Musk – of course, Jeff Bezos, Tim Cook, among a couple of others). They got the good seats for support of him during the campaign but, also paid a slight fee of $1 million for the special privilege. Following the inauguration they all jetted off in their personal jets to the annual World Economic Forum confab in Davos, Switzerland. The cost for that event was a mere $300,000…


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