The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly - 12/29/21
The ongoing saga…
The Great – With anticipation, we ALL await the new year and the potential for resolution of the (current) pandemic and the renewal of hugs, sharing and simply being together with all our friends and neighbors.
The Good – If you want data and science – check out this site. It’s chock full of information that we as health care providers need to digest for our patients.
The Bad – The demise of the Build Back Better legislation (SEE above). Both sides of the aisles agree that embedded in the legislation are some very good and important initiatives. Those of us on the outside need to encourage the political divide to meet in the middle so we can solve some problems in this country!!
The Ugly – The data is still to be collated but the percent of unvaccinated individuals presenting with COVID in the emergency room or clinic far, far outweighs the number of vaccinated individuals. In essence, if you have the two jabs + a booster, your likelihood of infection drops precipitously.