The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly - 8/1/22

The ongoing saga… 

The Great – For the first time in many years, I did not check email for 4 days and it offered up a breather from the digital captures on my life. I’ve decided that we should all engage in disengaging periodically.

The Good – Summer is here. People are coming out of their shells. Perhaps the interactions will allow us the opportunity to share with one another again… 

The Bad – The findings of the January 6th Congressional Committee presented an ominous series of testimonies that we all need to listen to for the sake of the nation. I think we should put aside our Facebook rants and website findings and look at the data. Our nation is hanging on tenuous threads and needs all of us – from all perspectives – to listen to one another so we can move forward.

The Ugly – The evolving internecine battles between the states related to removal of the Roe vs. Wade decision by the U.S. Supreme Court as the law of the land.

The Ominous – Ray Dalio’s new book – Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order: Why Nations Succeed and Fail – provides a comprehensive overview of empires throughout the ages. The reviews are “ominous” for the future of the USA. I just learned about the book while traveling across the Upper Midwest and downloaded the Kindle version this morning. The book is already #1 on the NYT Book List and a designed “Must Read”. I’m on it. Dalio does an analysis of why empires lose their power and identifies the common characteristics of waning strength. Based on that analysis, the USA is slipping into the doldrums. We’ve lived the Golden Era – and, if we don’t turn things around, the future will be ominous. Take heed…

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