The Occasional Perspective, 11/14/19
Random Considerations from a Global Rover…
On Being American – I’ve just returned from a 3+ week trip to Greece and Egypt. It was a mix of business and leisure with family and friends. As you can imagine, tensions were a bit high when we arrived due to the recent announcement by President Trump to pull-out the American troops out of Syria. It made a region of the country noted for a degree of instability – compared to USA, Canada and European nations – even a bit more on edge than normal. What was particularly noteworthy for us was the relative calm among the team members that shepherded us from place to place. Another noteworthy point was the intensity – in terms of numbers – of soldiers, security stations and the like designed to offer up a safe and secure environment. But, what was really striking was the response of the guards when they saw our passports and recognized us for what we were – American tourists. In most cases we were simply waved through even if the buzzer went off because 99 times out of 100 it was a cellphone, a battery, a metal object we had in our pocket or some other innoxious piece that posited no potential harm to anyone. The guards would smile and wave us through. We were “American”. That’s a distinction – in my estimation – that our nation has been earned for its citizens over the last couple of hundred years. The American people are a freedom loving, friendly and engaging lot of people. Our reputation precedes us. It took just over 200 years to develop a persona like that…let’s not dissipate it in a few short years by not adhering to our word or standing by those we deem to be our friends. There’s a lot to be said for earned admiration. And, the only power we – the American people – have over the many issues facing our nation is the opportunity to vote our conscience. As we enter the season of electoral politics in the coming year we need to ask ourselves what it takes to continue being waved through because we are an American!
The State of the States – Are you having the same experiences I’m having? Does it seem like there is more than just a little unrest happening all over the world? There are the Yellow Jackets in France; the Chilean street protests where citizens were apoplectic about a hike in the cost of public transportation which ended in lootings and fires; and, the ouster of President Evo Morales of Bolivia because of cheating on the election by him and his party with a move to exile in Mexico. But, it’s not just these few isolated examples. We’ve been hearing about the protests in Hong Kong for several months now. London has the Brexit protests which have regularly frozen central London in recent weeks. It seems to that no nation, no political party nor any individual is immune from the rage of citizens. Even Russia has had street protests in recent weeks. It seems to be the tenor of the times. And, in fact, it is…
Unlike the days of yore where organizing required lots of asynchronous phone calls and outreach by organizers, in today’s world – protests can evolve quickly and spontaneously through social media and other forums where “the people” gather. The technology is the enabler. The embers creating the firestorms are the embers of pent-up frustration by “the people” with their governments...with lack of transparency…with lack of integrity…with dishonesty. Some – perhaps many – of these concerns are legitimate and others are still to be proven. We have entered what I refer to as the “Yellow Journalism” stage of media much like the period following the US Civil War when there were no standards, no principles of journalism, and little ability to effectively evaluate the information spread by the various media. Which information was believed at the time depended upon which source was trusted! We’re in a similar boat. There are media of all stripes and flavors. Pick your favorite corner, go that source consistently and listen to the echo chamber.
But as a “listener” to all sorts of media – I for one intend to stick with using my own judgement by reading and listening to a “spectrum” of media sources. In fact, that would be a good model for all of us. I urge you to consider checking out All Sides News which provides an unbiased evaluation of the media across the spectrum from right to left. For me, I’m sticking to a cross section. My regular sources are: CNN News, The New York Times News & Opinions, NPR News, The Wall Street Journal News & Opinions, BBC News – and, of course, Maine Public Radio! Now, the downside is that I have little knowledge of what’s on television – except news, of course. I visited my brother last week and watched “Modern Family” for the very first time. So, perhaps I’m not as balanced as I should be? Think about it. It’s our duty to listen to all perspectives – but, listen carefully. America depends on it…
Medicare For All: An Analysis – My intent over the last month has been to provide my readers with an analysis of the Medicare For All (MFA) proposals put forward by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (D-VT) as part of their presidential campaigns. However, in fairness to all – I have not yet been able to make it through all of the various analysis so that I could weigh in appropriately. My hope is to complete the readings and the assessment by the time of my next blog – shortly before Christmas. It’s a very important topic and deserves special attention. “Health care” is the #1 top of mind topic for most American citizens. It is #1 in our household as well and it’s not just because we happen to be physicians. Thanks for waiting…