The Occasional Consideration or Perspective…
Periodic Meanderings and Ideas Deemed Important by the Author…
An Alarmingly Prescient Material – A colleague recently pointed me in the direction of an article published in The Atlantic entitled, “How the Pandemic will end” by Ed Yong. It was published on March 28th, 2020 – just over one month ago – and, it is alarmingly prescient. It is a rather long piece but definitely worth reading and not only provides an overview of the current state but also the longer-term implications of how we will need to proceed into the future. Then, someone suggested I should read The Fifth Risk, Michael Lewis’ most recent book published in 2018 about the transition from the Obama to the Trump Administration with a special focus on the Departments of Energy, Commerce and Agriculture. Pandemic is weaved in there in a couple of places with disheartening comments about how it was ignored.
On A Lighter Note – The lampooning of our current situation by any number of singers from professionals to neophytes on YouTube is quite amazing. Here are just a few of the notable memes on the current situation (and, they don’t include Randy Rainbow):
- Do Re Mi
- SMO Favorite
- BGs Parody (Stayin’ Inside)
- Somewhere Over – Dorothy
But, If You Want To Bring Tears To Your Eyes – You’ve got to listen to young Mariam Urushadze from the country of Georgia located at the intersection of Europe and Asia. I was originally pointed to this video by someone who indicated that it was Luciano Pavarotti’s granddaughter. As a lover of the tenor voice, I wanted to check it out but then realized after listening that I probably need to check out the veracity of the origin. In fact, young Mariam sings “Caruso” – a well-known opera solo tenor tune (when you hear it, you’ll recognize it immediately) – that was performed on “Nichieri” or Georgia’s Got Talent in November 2016. Regardless, I dare you to keep a dry eye when you year this eight-year-old sing!!!
And, If You Have Extra Time On Your Hands – you’ve got to check out this in-door golfing exercise put together by some folks who were clearly going stir crazy from hunkering down.
And, On A More Serious Note – For those of us who are trying to stay abreast of the pandemic, consider signing on to the London Business School Pandemic Webinar Series. They have taken on the task of providing regular updates in the form of webinars that are quite informative. It’s a quick way to gain the insights and expertise of the leaders in the field of epidemiology, infectious disease and the like related to new and evolving findings related to the pandemic.